
Welcome to the website of the OpenEcoLab Cigarrones. This is a new project in foundation.

The Open Ecologic Laboratory is made for people to work around the topic:


We are looking for people who are interested to work together with us in this topic. Our vision is to create a local network of technology of interested people to make it available for others.

Let's learn, repair, recycle and use technology for our needs.

The OpenSource Way
Get in Touch


Service computers

Open Source Support

- Support and installation for open source software
- Installing operation systems on computer: Mint, Ubuntu, Debian....
- Secure use of technology, computer and smartphone
- Refurbish old computers
- Workshops

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Battery Tools

Repair Cafes

- Providing tools and equipment to give your old devices a second live.
- Unmounting things, to learn, repair and or reuse in an other context.

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Research & Engineering

- Research in different application to make it useful
- Setting up prototyping for practical test
- Consulting for any projects, proposed by the members
-Providing tools and equipment.

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Community Server

We are planning on having a Community Server providing everyone to direct access to there data. 



Holding workshops providing knowledge around technolgy



Working with our local community on common goal projects


About Us

The Open Ecologic Laboratory is a non-commercial project.
Which means the main purpose of it is not make money but to empower the people around the topic technology.

The principles of the Project are:


Cooperation is a fundamental human and societal principle. Working together towards shared goals and objectives. Essential for addressing complex challenges, fostering understanding, and building stronger communities and relationships

Creation of Commons

Collaborative effort to produce and manage resources or services that benefit society as a whole. This concept is vital for the well-being of communities and societies, as it promotes equitable access to essential resources and services.


Solidarity brings people together, creating a collective strength that is far greater than the sum of individual efforts. When individuals stand together, they can achieve common goals more effectively and address challenges with greater resilience.

Support our Projects


 Bring us your old electronic devices and tools, so we can try to repair or use them in workshops for teaching.

Get in Touch

Contribute to a Project

until we have an official association incl. bank account, please send the donations direct to following bank account

Laurent Schmidt
DE60 1203 0000 1033 6259 12

for creditcard following link:

Become a Member

We are looking for support members, who are willed to support us with regular contributions, to fund on going costs like rent, etc.

Transparency is important in a community supported project. For that we gonna publish towards all involved people regular reports about the used resources and the progress of the projects.

News & Events

Hostings Done
Dedicated Servers
Satisfied Clients
Websites Created

Other Projects


hosts all kind of information about local cooperative projects.

Visit their website
The OpenSource Way

The open source way is a way of thinking about how people collaborate within a community to achieve common goals and interests.

Visit their website

A local non-for-profit association focused on environmental development.

Visit their website